Puja Perfumery

How to make attar at home?

How To Make Attar At Home ?

How To Make Attar At Home

If you’re trying to make an attar at home, you can do it without any hiccups. It just needs you to know the making process and the formula. If you’re aware of these two things you’re good to go. Attar being used for ages in the eastern world is finally getting popular in the western world these days. In the world of beauty, the attar is creating a significant position and now even people are trying to make attar at home. 

If you’re a fragrance connoisseur and wondering about making attar at home, come on. 

How can I make attar at home?

If you’re searching for attar making formula pdf you don’t need it anymore, as over here you’ll know about the formula and how attar is made.  There are different formulas for making attar. 

But if you’re interested in how to make attar at home without alcohol, the formula will surely help you. 

Let’s first get to know about the essentials that are required to make attar at home when you’re not using alcohol. 

  • You will need 1/4th cup of carrier oil. It can be coconut, kernel, almond, apricot, or any other carrier oil. You should have any one of these oils to make attar.
  • Pick up any essential oil of your choice. You will need 15 to 20 drops of it while making. 
  • Few drops of glycerin. 5 to 7 drops would work.
  • 3 tsp of fresh and clean water will be required.
  • Lastly, a roll-on or some kind of bottle which can store the attar after it’s made. 

All these are essential ingredients which are necessary to have when you’re trying to make attar at home. When you’re not using alcohol to make attar you would need all of this stuff. 

Now let’s move on to the method.

Now that you have all the ingredients ready, you just need to know about the method of making an attar.

  • You first need to take the Carrier oil to add it to the mixing jar. 
  • Then add 15 drops of essential oil and mix them quickly and thoroughly. If you like a strong smell, you can add a little more drops and vice versa
  • For the next 48 hours, you need to store the mixture in a cool and dry place, after closing the lid of the jar tightly and properly.
  • Then after the over of 48 hours you need to add 5 drops of glycerin and 4table tablespoon of water, mix it well.
  • You can use glass bottles or roll on jars to store them.
  • Now you’ve your altar ready. You can either start to use it right from or wait for 24 hours to use it.

Attar making at home

If you’re wondering about how to make perfume from attar then here’s a recipe that you can follow. This also provides you with an answer to the question how to make attar with essential oils. Apparently you would need benzoate with it the essential oils to perform the recipe of attar making.

Let’s discuss about the ingredients

  • 2ml of benzyl benzoate is needed.
  • 1 ml of any type of essential oil you want to use be it almond,hena ,jasmine ,rose.
  • You would need a container for mixing.
  • A roll on glass bottle to store the attar is also necessary. 

You would need all these things to make an attar when you’re using essential oils to make it . 


Let’s now get to know about the method to make it using the ingredients .

  • First take you mixing container then add about 2ml of benzyl benzoate to start the recipe.
  • Next you need to add 1ml of all the essential oils you want to add to the recipe.
  • Then thoroughly mix these in the container well. 
  • Then you need to pour this out from this mixing container to put this in the empty attar bottle.
  • Although your attar is ready, you still need to wait for another twenty four to forty eight hours till you can use it.
  • Make sure you store and keep it in a safe, cool and dry place. You’ll able to have 3ml of attar from making it using this method. 
  • After over 24 to 48 hours you’ll be able to use it.

How is attar made

If you’re wondering the recipe or attar making formula pdf, let us tell you how this attar is made.

It’s most of thr time derived from petals, spices, herbs and leaves. This perfumes are distilled using natural method and are sold it very small roll bottles as they are highly concentrated. So applying just a dab or two can help expiriences the magical fragrance of it.

The natural attar are produced at a large scale using big utensils and machinery. The whole process is  labour intensive and it take so much time . So the workers not be have the skill , but they have excellent patience to pay the utmost attention to all the details. 

When it’s india, its made a little differently over here. It has traditionally dostilled using deg bhapka which a distillation vessel for attar making. So this deg is a copper pot in which the poeple of India put the petals of the flower and water to mix them. Then after mixing they seal the deg and connect it with bhapka which is the reciever made of copper and has a long neck.  They connect it using a bamboo pipe. Then they pour the base oil  in the bhapka. The base oil in India is the sandalwood oil which is mostly used.

Then they use the fire to heat the deg. After the deg gets heated very well, the vapour from the mixture gets collected inside the bhapka. Then later on it gets condensed and the fragrance is collected by base oil. 

This is actually the commercial process of making attar and it’s definitely complex to act but more eaiser it sounds. But the attar that are made at home aren’t made using this process which becomes impractical to follow at home. So simpler hacks like mixing of the necessary ingredients and then storing it is done to make attar at home. 

How so you make attar at homeusing flowers 

There’s another technique that is widely used to make attar at home . You’ll find this one easier and you can also follow this method if you’re trying to find a technique which can be acted at the home with any issues.

The ingredients that you’re going to require to make attar using this technique are:

  1. First, a larger jar of glass.
  2. Pure sandalwood oil  which should be more than 200 ml.
  3. Fresh petals are necessary for flowers like roses, Jasmine. You can choose any one you like but the quantity should be around half kg.
  4. You’ll even be able to make saffron attar when you’re using saffron strands when not using flowers.
  5. A mais sher used manually.
  6. A large spoon to mash and mix.
  7. You also need a plastic pipe or sieve that would work
  8. Lastly, a roll-on bottle to store the attar after it’s made.

Now coming to the method 

This is the easier method which is traditionally used by all those who make attar at home or used homemade attar to experience magical fragrance. 

The steps below have all the details of the method. You’ll be able to perform it without hiccups if you’ll be able to follow it the same way it’s instructed.

  • For the first step, you need to pour the sandalwood oil into the jar.  Make sure you’re using the right quantity as instructed in the instructions so that the potions remain the same and don’t get ruined.  All of the sandalwood oil must be poured into the jar.
  • Then add the fresh petals of rose or jasmine or whichever flower you have chosen to use and then make sure you’re closing the lid of the jar very tightly otherwise the technique would fail and the result won’t be good. So the lid must be closed very tightly.
  • Now take and keep this jar away in a dry and dark place for about two weeks. Make sure the period you’re keeping is long enough for the proper preparation of the attar. Don’t hurry but keep the jar for at least 2 weeks. Kitchen cabinets, shelves, or any such places would work but make sure you don’t open the lid of the jar for those two weeks.
  • After two weeks you can open the jar.
  • Then you need to smash the petals of the flowers. For that, you can either use the large spoon or the hand masher to do it. This smashing process is done to help the petals release more fragrance.
  • After you have smashed the whole thing well, again close the lid or you can even seal the jar for another week. You need to keep it in a dry and dark place and make sure it’s tightly closed so no air or any dirt can get in the jar which might hamper the attar.
  • During this time of the whole week, take the jar our every alternate day and again use your hand smasher or the large spoon to smash the petals then again seal it to keep it away. This enables the process to get smoother and the attar is finely made with its best fragrance.
  • After passing the whole week by smashing the petals in the alternate days, you can now take the jar out and use a plastic pipe or a sieve to obtain or pour the floral attar in the glass bottle. It looks fancy using just a drop. of two can provide you with a fresh and magical fragrance.
  • You can use it immediately but it’s always better to store it for another 24 hours and then use it.
  • This is for dabbing at your inner wrist, pulse points, and throat.  Make sure you’re storing the bottle in a dry and dark safe to keep it safe.

This is the easiest method to follow and make attar at home. The ingredients required over here are pretty basic and can be found easily.

How do you make a long-lasting attar?

When using a fragrance it’s needed that it’s a long-lasting one. So it’s often when we search for long-lasting deo and perfume. Similarly, we also want to make your homemade attar last longer as it smells heavenly. Even it boosts confidence when you’ve applied a finely made attar, especially when it’s homemade. 

The homemade attar can last longer than usual. The traditional way of making it long-lasting is by mixing it with a sandalwood oil base. The manufacturers or even the homemade attar can last longer when the final. attar oil is combined with sandalwood oil to produce a long-lasting effect as it is also a pure flower extract. So the sandalwood oil is used as a base which when combined with molecules of the attar oil derives the final attar oil. When it’s used, it lasts longer. 

But several other factors should be kept in mind when you’re trying to use and understand attar.

As we know that this attar is eco friendly and we don’t use any chemicals to make them. No chemicals are used to make the attar long-lasting. It’s just their natural fragrance which is strong enough to make the person feel the heavenly smell.

The longevity of attar depends on several factors and it can be made long-lasting by acting the method in the right way and using sandalwood oil as the base oil. This sandalwood oil base technique is used by the Indian attar manufacturers when they make their attars.

But many may not know that the longevity of attar depends on what kind of attar it is and what quality of raw materials are used to make it. 

For example, an agarwood attar lasts longer compared to a rose, jasmine, etc. But even the raw ingredients that are being used to make attar determine how much longer the attar smell can last.

How do you make perfume from attar?

If you’re trying to make perfume spray from attar you do it at home. So you don’t need to buy it again from the market but make your attar perfume by yourself. You can do it without any trouble by following the mentioned steps:

  • Take the attar bottle and pour the attar out in a beaker.
  • For making a perfume spray, you need to use alcohol. So you can use any alcohol. But it’s preferable if you can use methyl alcohol.
  • Take the ethyl alcohol and pour in the beaker in which you’ve poured the attar in the first place 
  • Then stir and mix the solution for some minutes so that it mixes well. 
  • After you’ve stirred and mixed it, pour it inside any spray bottle and you’re good to go.
  • Keep and store it in a dark and dry place so the direct sun rays or excessive moisture cannot harm it.
  • Now you’ve got your perfume ready which you’ve made by yourself from attar. You can use it just as you wish and you’ll find the same strong fragrance from it.

Homemade attar

Buying an attar can never match the raw fragrance of the attar that is made at home. It’s the raw and fresh fragrance that makes us feel heavenly. Not only is the use of these homemade attars healthier than any other chemical perfume but they do provide a healthy lifestyle. These are eco-friendly attars made directly using petals and oils. They’re mixed and stored for weeks to prepare it completely. It doesn’t harm the skin and these days they have so many attar making courses where they tell and teach about the traditional. ways to make attar. 

The use of attar was a very common thing in India from the traditional times but lately, the western culture has found it unique and interesting. So attar is widely used these days by people and most of them are now trying to make it at home so that they are sure of what they’re using plus the method of making attar at home is pretty simple and can be done in just a few minutes. 


It’s different when it’s the industry that uses its labor-intensive and time-consuming complex technique to do so. But when it comes to attar, people prefer to make it at home using the right choice of petals. This certainly increases the excitement of using attar. As these ingredients are homemade, even children above 12 years or such can use them as they know that it has nothing which can harm their health and is completely healthy.

So people generally prefer to make attar at home when these mentioned techniques are used to prepare them as they’re chemical-free and eco friendly, their demand has certainly increased in the market also as using organic products and perfumes is the best solution to protect the skin from harm.

If you’re trying to make an attar at home, you can do it without any hiccups. It just needs you to know the making process and the formula. If you’re aware of these two things you’re good to go. Attar being used for ages in the eastern world is finally getting popular in the western world these days. In the world of beauty, the attar is creating a significant position and now even people are trying to make attar at home. 

If you’re a fragrance connoisseur and wondering about making attar at home, come on. 

How can I make attar at home?

If you’re searching for attar making formula pdf you don’t need it anymore, as over here you’ll know about the formula and how attar is made.  There are different formulas for making attar. 

But if you’re interested in how to make attar at home without alcohol, the formula will surely help you. 

Let’s first get to know about the essentials that are required to make attar at home when you’re not using alcohol. 

  • You will need 1/4th cup of carrier oil. It can be coconut, kernel, almond, apricot, or any other carrier oil. You should have any one of these oils to make attar.
  • Pick up any essential oil of your choice. You will need 15 to 20 drops of it while making. 
  • Few drops of glycerin. 5 to 7 drops would work.
  • 3 tsp of fresh and clean water will be required.
  • Lastly, a roll-on or some kind of bottle which can store the attar after it’s made. 

All these are essential ingredients which are necessary to have when you’re trying to make attar at home. When you’re not using alcohol to make attar you would need all of this stuff. 

Now let’s move on to the method.

Now that you have all the ingredients ready, you just need to know about the method of making an attar.

  • You first need to take the Carrier oil to add it to the mixing jar. 
  • Then add 15 drops of essential oil and mix them quickly and thoroughly. If you like a strong smell, you can add a little more drops and vice versa
  • For the next 48 hours, you need to store the mixture in a cool and dry place, after closing the lid of the jar tightly and properly.
  • Then after the over of 48 hours you need to add 5 drops of glycerin and 4table tablespoon of water, mix it well.
  • You can use glass bottles or roll on jars to store them.
  • Now you’ve your altar ready. You can either start to use it right from or wait for 24 hours to use it.

Attar making at home

If you’re wondering about how to make perfume from attar then here’s a recipe that you can follow. This also provides you with an answer to the question how to make attar with essential oils. Apparently you would need benzoate with it the essential oils to perform the recipe of attar making.

Let’s discuss about the ingredients

  • 2ml of benzyl benzoate is needed.
  • 1 ml of any type of essential oil you want to use be it almond,hena ,jasmine ,rose.
  • You would need a container for mixing.
  • A roll on glass bottle to store the attar is also necessary. 

You would need all these things to make an attar when you’re using essential oils to make it . 


Let’s now get to know about the method to make it using the ingredients .

  • First take you mixing container then add about 2ml of benzyl benzoate to start the recipe.
  • Next you need to add 1ml of all the essential oils you want to add to the recipe.
  • Then thoroughly mix these in the container well. 
  • Then you need to pour this out from this mixing container to put this in the empty attar bottle.
  • Although your attar is ready, you still need to wait for another twenty four to forty eight hours till you can use it.
  • Make sure you store and keep it in a safe, cool and dry place. You’ll able to have 3ml of attar from making it using this method. 
  • After over 24 to 48 hours you’ll be able to use it.

How is attar made

If you’re wondering the recipe or attar making formula pdf, let us tell you how this attar is made.

It’s most of thr time derived from petals, spices, herbs and leaves. This perfumes are distilled using natural method and are sold it very small roll bottles as they are highly concentrated. So applying just a dab or two can help expiriences the magical fragrance of it.

The natural attar are produced at a large scale using big utensils and machinery. The whole process is  labour intensive and it take so much time . So the workers not be have the skill , but they have excellent patience to pay the utmost attention to all the details. 

When it’s india, its made a little differently over here. It has traditionally dostilled using deg bhapka which a distillation vessel for attar making. So this deg is a copper pot in which the poeple of India put the petals of the flower and water to mix them. Then after mixing they seal the deg and connect it with bhapka which is the reciever made of copper and has a long neck.  They connect it using a bamboo pipe. Then they pour the base oil  in the bhapka. The base oil in India is the sandalwood oil which is mostly used.

Then they use the fire to heat the deg. After the deg gets heated very well, the vapour from the mixture gets collected inside the bhapka. Then later on it gets condensed and the fragrance is collected by base oil. 

This is actually the commercial process of making attar and it’s definitely complex to act but more eaiser it sounds. But the attar that are made at home aren’t made using this process which becomes impractical to follow at home. So simpler hacks like mixing of the necessary ingredients and then storing it is done to make attar at home. 

How so you make attar at homeusing flowers 

There’s another technique that is widely used to make attar at home . You’ll find this one easier and you can also follow this method if you’re trying to find a technique which can be acted at the home with any issues.

The ingredients that you’re going to require to make attar using this technique are:

  1. First, a larger jar of glass.
  2. Pure sandalwood oil  which should be more than 200 ml.
  3. Fresh petals are necessary for flowers like roses, Jasmine. You can choose any one you like but the quantity should be around half kg.
  4. You’ll even be able to make saffron attar when you’re using saffron strands when not using flowers.
  5. A mais sher used manually.
  6. A large spoon to mash and mix.
  7. You also need a plastic pipe or sieve that would work
  8. Lastly, a roll-on bottle to store the attar after it’s made.

Now coming to the method 

This is the easier method which is traditionally used by all those who make attar at home or used homemade attar to experience magical fragrance. 

The steps below have all the details of the method. You’ll be able to perform it without hiccups if you’ll be able to follow it the same way it’s instructed.

  • For the first step, you need to pour the sandalwood oil into the jar.  Make sure you’re using the right quantity as instructed in the instructions so that the potions remain the same and don’t get ruined.  All of the sandalwood oil must be poured into the jar.
  • Then add the fresh petals of rose or jasmine or whichever flower you have chosen to use and then make sure you’re closing the lid of the jar very tightly otherwise the technique would fail and the result won’t be good. So the lid must be closed very tightly.
  • Now take and keep this jar away in a dry and dark place for about two weeks. Make sure the period you’re keeping is long enough for the proper preparation of the attar. Don’t hurry but keep the jar for at least 2 weeks. Kitchen cabinets, shelves, or any such places would work but make sure you don’t open the lid of the jar for those two weeks.
  • After two weeks you can open the jar.
  • Then you need to smash the petals of the flowers. For that, you can either use the large spoon or the hand masher to do it. This smashing process is done to help the petals release more fragrance.
  • After you have smashed the whole thing well, again close the lid or you can even seal the jar for another week. You need to keep it in a dry and dark place and make sure it’s tightly closed so no air or any dirt can get in the jar which might hamper the attar.
  • During this time of the whole week, take the jar our every alternate day and again use your hand smasher or the large spoon to smash the petals then again seal it to keep it away. This enables the process to get smoother and the attar is finely made with its best fragrance.
  • After passing the whole week by smashing the petals in the alternate days, you can now take the jar out and use a plastic pipe or a sieve to obtain or pour the floral attar in the glass bottle. It looks fancy using just a drop. of two can provide you with a fresh and magical fragrance.
  • You can use it immediately but it’s always better to store it for another 24 hours and then use it.
  • This is for dabbing at your inner wrist, pulse points, and throat.  Make sure you’re storing the bottle in a dry and dark safe to keep it safe.

This is the easiest method to follow and make attar at home. The ingredients required over here are pretty basic and can be found easily.

How do you make a long-lasting attar?

When using a fragrance it’s needed that it’s a long-lasting one. So it’s often when we search for long-lasting deo and perfume. Similarly, we also want to make your homemade attar last longer as it smells heavenly. Even it boosts confidence when you’ve applied a finely made attar, especially when it’s homemade. 

The homemade attar can last longer than usual. The traditional way of making it long-lasting is by mixing it with a sandalwood oil base. The manufacturers or even the homemade attar can last longer when the final. attar oil is combined with sandalwood oil to produce a long-lasting effect as it is also a pure flower extract. So the sandalwood oil is used as a base which when combined with molecules of the attar oil derives the final attar oil. When it’s used, it lasts longer. 

But several other factors should be kept in mind when you’re trying to use and understand attar.

As we know that this attar is eco friendly and we don’t use any chemicals to make them. No chemicals are used to make the attar long-lasting. It’s just their natural fragrance which is strong enough to make the person feel the heavenly smell.

The longevity of attar depends on several factors and it can be made long-lasting by acting the method in the right way and using sandalwood oil as the base oil. This sandalwood oil base technique is used by the Indian attar manufacturers when they make their attars.

But many may not know that the longevity of attar depends on what kind of attar it is and what quality of raw materials are used to make it. 

For example, an agarwood attar lasts longer compared to a rose, jasmine, etc. But even the raw ingredients that are being used to make attar determine how much longer the attar smell can last.

How do you make perfume from attar?

If you’re trying to make perfume spray from attar you do it at home. So you don’t need to buy it again from the market but make your attar perfume by yourself. You can do it without any trouble by following the mentioned steps:

  • Take the attar bottle and pour the attar out in a beaker.
  • For making a perfume spray, you need to use alcohol. So you can use any alcohol. But it’s preferable if you can use methyl alcohol.
  • Take the ethyl alcohol and pour in the beaker in which you’ve poured the attar in the first place 
  • Then stir and mix the solution for some minutes so that it mixes well. 
  • After you’ve stirred and mixed it, pour it inside any spray bottle and you’re good to go.
  • Keep and store it in a dark and dry place so the direct sun rays or excessive moisture cannot harm it.
  • Now you’ve got your perfume ready which you’ve made by yourself from attar. You can use it just as you wish and you’ll find the same strong fragrance from it.

Homemade attar

Buying an attar can never match the raw fragrance of the attar that is made at home. It’s the raw and fresh fragrance that makes us feel heavenly. Not only is the use of these homemade attars healthier than any other chemical perfume but they do provide a healthy lifestyle. These are eco-friendly attars made directly using petals and oils. They’re mixed and stored for weeks to prepare it completely. It doesn’t harm the skin and these days they have so many attar making courses where they tell and teach about the traditional. ways to make attar. 

The use of attar was a very common thing in India from the traditional times but lately, the western culture has found it unique and interesting. So attar is widely used these days by people and most of them are now trying to make it at home so that they are sure of what they’re using plus the method of making attar at home is pretty simple and can be done in just a few minutes. 


It’s different when it’s the industry that uses its labor-intensive and time-consuming complex technique to do so. But when it comes to attar, people prefer to make it at home using the right choice of petals. This certainly increases the excitement of using attar. As these ingredients are homemade, even children above 12 years or such can use them as they know that it has nothing which can harm their health and is completely healthy.

So people generally prefer to make attar at home when these mentioned techniques are used to prepare them as they’re chemical-free and eco friendly, their demand has certainly increased in the market also as using organic products and perfumes is the best solution to protect the skin from harm.

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